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Privacy and Cookie Policy

Only the English version of this Privacy and Cookie Policy is legally binding. The translations are provided for the convenience of users and are not legally binding.

A. Overview

Armenia Distance Learning (hereinafter referred to as “ADL”) is committed to the privacy of the users (hereinafter referred to as “users”) who are visiting, interacting, and using ArmeniaDistanceLearning.com Website and services provided through it. Users, who visit, interact and use ArmeniaDistanceLearning.com Website and services provided through it, consent to this policy.

B. What information does ADL collect?

Anonymous data
ADL gathers data from the standard server data logs, such as IP addresses, browser types, operating systems, screen sizes, URLs of accessed pages, and dates and times of access. ADL gathers similar information using a web traffic analysis service (e.g., “Google Analytics”). This information is not a personally identifiable information.

Personally identifiable information
When users register at ADL, they knowingly provide ADL with certain personally identifiable information, such as name, and email address. As users continue using ADL services they may opt to provide more information, such as their time zone information, preferred communication language, etc. As users interact with ADL’s tutors or ADL personnel, they may provide more information over free-text communication (messages). ADL will store information about current and past course bookings. If users opt to take self-paced courses, ADL will also store information about which courses they have attempted or completed with an appropriate timestamp.

Tutoring sessions
Tutoring lessons might be recorded.

C. What does ADL do with the collected information?

Anonymous data
ADL uses anonymous data to improve the services ADL provides, by measuring the performance of pages and scripts, by ensuring the server can handle the user activity load. This data is used to understand which browsers, screens, and operating systems are used the most by ADL users so that ADL can further improve ADL pages to serve ADL users better.

Personally identifiable information
ADL uses the information provided by users to render ADL services to them. In the case users opted-in for the ADL newsletter, ADL will use users’ information to craft and dispatch to users ADL newsletter messages. Once a user starts interacting with a tutor, this tutor can see the name user provided in ADL as their name. It is a responsibility of the user to limit and control the amount and the type of the personal information they may share with the tutor over the free-text messaging.

Tutoring sessions
Live tutoring sessions or session recordings might be accessed by ADL personnel for: a) quality assurance purposes, b) for purposes related to settling disputes between users and tutors. The recordings are sometimes shared with users and tutors (with only those who are in the recording) for the benefit of their collaboration.

Information disclosure to external to ADL parties
ADL does not disclose user information to others. Note, however, that ADL have certain integrations with external systems, such as video-conferencing services, payments gateway services, website analytics services, etc., which obtain, or may ask users to provide them with information directly (example: payment gateway services may require users entering their credit card information). ADL does not, and cannot, control how these external parties store and use users’ data.

D. Complains or queries

ADL tries to meet the highest standards when collecting and using users’ personal information. ADL will appreciate if users bring to ADL’s attention any questions or concerns, as well as suggestions they may have regarding how ADL stores and uses users’ data. To contact ADL users should use ADL contact information provided at the top of each ADL Webpage. ADL will do its best to respond to user email as soon as possible.

E. Cookie Policy

What is a cookie?
(Source: Wikipedia)
"HTTP cookies (also called web cookies, Internet cookies, browser cookies, or simply cookies) are small blocks of data created by a web server while a user is browsing a website and placed on the user's computer or other device by the user's web browser. Cookies are placed on the device used to access a website, and more than one cookie may be placed on a user's device during a session.

Cookies serve useful and sometimes essential functions on the web. They enable web servers to store stateful information (such as items added in the shopping cart in an online store) on the user's device or to track the user's browsing activity (including clicking particular buttons, logging in, or recording which pages were visited in the past). They can also be used to save for subsequent use information that the user previously entered into form fields, such as names, addresses, passwords, and payment card numbers..."

First party cookies
First party cookies are cookies set by ADL. ADL uses a minimal amount of cookies to store information about users’ language preferences as well as authentication information so that users can stay logged-in after the login action. These are strictly necessary cookies, and ADL, therefore, require users’ consent to be able to make the ADL Website function to users. Without these cookies, ADL will be unable to render its services to users.

Third party cookies
Certain third-party cookies are set through ADL external service integrations. These cookies are set by external to ADL entities (such as ‘Zoom’, ‘Stripe’, ‘Font Awesome’, ‘Google Analytics’). ADL does not control how these entities use cookies. User should therefore refer to the relevant entities’ own privacy and cookie policies to understand how they use user cookies.

Controlling cookies
Web browsers allow users to block or delete the cookies set by ADL Website or by third parties. Please refer to the following Website for instructions on how to block/manage cookies in popular browsers: https://allaboutcookies.org/how-to-manage-cookies.

F. Correcting and updating personal information

Users can correct, update or change their personal and personally identifiable information by logging into their accounts on the ADL Website.

G. Opting out; deletion of personal information

Users may elect to stop receiving newsletters from ADL at any time by logging into their account on ADL and deactivating newsletter service from under the “Settings” page. Users may elect to close their accounts by contacting ADL support. User information is deleted upon account closure. Note, however, that ADL may not always be able to comply with the user's request of closing/deleting for specific legal reasons which will be notified to the user, if applicable, at the time of the user's request.

H. Security

ADL employs a range of techniques and security measures based on best practices to protect the information maintained on ADL system from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, ADL assumes no responsibility for the security of information.

I. Data Retention

ADL will keep user information for seven (7) years from the last date on which they have been active on the ADL Website. Records that users have shared publicly or have shared with another user, for example, reviews they left, or messages, may remain on the Website after the user’s personal information has been deleted but will no longer have identifying information that links them to the information. ADL may also retain records where necessary to fulfill ADL’s regulatory or statutory duties.

J. Notification of changes

If ADL decides to change its privacy policy, ADL will post those changes to this page, so users are always aware of what information ADL collects and how ADL uses it.